Tuesday 29 May 2007

I'm sorry but this job is nuts...

I'm afraid I have to admit it. I am in denial no longer. My job is insane and I am slowly losing the plot (I already hear all the 'what do you mean slowly' gags so don't bother!).

Over the last few weeks, I have gone from researching a Written question to the Commission on the use of Filament lightbulbs in heavy machinery to the abuse of human rights of several hundred thousand Croation-Serb refugees to finding out if our long-line fishing fleets hurt sea birds and now da-da-da-darrr - writting a short briefing on the situation in Israel/Palestine for the boss before a meeting with a Peace group...


How do I write a SHORT bloody briefing on bloody ISRAEL/PALESTINE!!!! Especially when I still have all the REALLY interesting knowledge about the use of filament lightbulbs in the health and safety apparatus involved with that handy LATHE we all have in the shed!!!

My grasp on reality and normality was tenuous at best when I came over here but now, living in a schizophrenic country, doing work like this and (as anybody who works for The Party will tell you) having my blood slowly replaced pint by pint by a heady mix of ACP-friendly caffine and medicinal alcohol I fear the end is nigh...

Either I achieve something that has been beyond every Academic, Journalist, Politician and Conspiracy-theorist alive or I accept one of those lovely coats with the straps on the sleeves.

Either a short Shalom on the West Bank or a Long Goodbye in the Asylum...

Hmm how do you say 'I'm screwed' in Hebrew...

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